Monday 29 June 2020

It was the start of the day and Melanie was just getting up out of her bed thinking of what to eat. She opens up her pantry and looks around for tasty cereals to eat for breakfast. She finds the perfect box of cereal. Cocoa pops, she opens it up and pours it into a bowl, she then twists the lid of the milk and pours it into her bowl full of cereal she also pours her a cup of milk. While she is eating she notices something in her bowl. She screams in terror “SPIDER!” Then she runs away.

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Today me and Mum are going to the park, I'm going to play in the sandpit. For lunch Mum is bringing sandwiches and it's going to be delicious. Mum says to watch out because there is quicksand beside the sandpit. I run to the sandpit and start playing around. 10 minutes later I’m working on my sand castle mum calls me over for lunch. I ran over as fast as I could because I was starving. 3 minutes later yum. We get in the car and off home we are. Thank you, I say to Mum that was so fun.

100 words

Monday 15 June 2020

We took the dog to the vet today but we lied to our son and told him we were taking him to the dog park. We left in the car to the vet and they gave the dog some medicine and tested him for cancer. He tested positive. We knew it was gonna be hard to tell our son. We took the dog into a room. There was not much hope for the dog so they had to put him down. 10 minutes later the dog is dead. We cry for a little bit and return home. We tell our son the sad news and he breaks down in tears. We prepare the dog's funeral in our backyard. RIP George

120 words